In the time that we were unable to write articles due to our crooked website host, Bluehost, a lot has happened in the world of sports. The NFL Playoffs and Super Bowl were the heaviest hitters of the bunch, and now that the NFL season has passed, many sports fans like us are left with a gaping hole in our day to day schedules. This is where, every year, college basketball comes in like the Knights of the Vale to save us from the Battle of the Bastards that is life without football.

Now is the time for all of us to band together to watch as much college basketball as humanly possible in preparation for March. 

I’ll admit it, when I was watching college basketball while football season was going on, I wasn’t giving it the attention it deserves, and I’m sure the same can be said about many of you readers. Between college and NFL football, as well as watching my Bruins and Celtics whenever they were on, my capacity for sports consumption for each week was beyond maxed out. That being said, I still watched games and went to a few here in Boulder, but it was as if football were a secret love affair that I couldn’t get off my mind, even with college hoops right in front of me.

On the note of sports being a type of romance, some of you readers may be asking: “Aidan, I don’t know if I can jump into a new relationship so soon! How do I get in the mood for a new partner (college hoops) after cutting it off with my longtime lover (football) only recently?”

That’s a rather odd question, reader, but I’ll answer it all the same. Here’s a to do list to get the juices flowing once more:

  • Reminisce on past March Madness moments. These could be:
    • Cinderella/Championship runs such as UCONN with Kemba in 2011
    • Electrifying highlights from players like Jimmer, Ja, or Kemba (again)
    • All time calls by announcers, like this Kevin Harlan one right here:
  • Watch top 25 matchups.
    • Any top 25 matchup has a chance of being an upset (especially when Purdue is the higher seed), and at the least you’ll get an exciting game to watch.
  • Break out your old copy, or buy a used version of NCAA March Madness, the video game.
    • My roommate brought his old Xbox 360 out to college, so we’ve been playing our fair share of NCAA Football, but a slept on game that he also has is NCAA March Madness 07, with Adam Morrison as the cover athlete. Oh, and Dick Vitale is on the calls, so get ready to pitch a tent.
  • Lastly, read all of our articles, every week day.
    • College basketball will be a centerpiece of our writing here at A2Z Sports for the foreseeable future, so check back every Monday-Friday to educate yourself.

And that does it for the day! It’s so good to be back. Leave a comment below, and we’ll see you tomorrow!

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